A domain name is linked to the registrant , not to the registrar who manages your domain name. This means that you can decide to move your domain name to another registrar at any given time.  If you have not chosen a new registrar yet, the list of all registrars for .be, .vlaanderen and .brussels is posted here.

Move a .be domain name 

Step 1

Request the transfer code yourself below or contact your current or new registrar and instruct him to request the transfer code that is linked to your domain name from DNS Belgium. Read all about the transfer code here.

Step 2

We send the transfer code to the e-mail address of the current domain name holder in our registration system. It is therefore important that your e-mail address is correct in our registration system and that you have your domain details updated if necessary.

Step 3

Provide your new registrar with all the details as for a new registration and with the transfer code. Your registrar will then do what is necessary to move your domain name.

Move a  .vlaanderen  or  .brussels domain name 

Ask you current registrar for the transfer code that is linked to your domain name and give that code to your new registrar. Only the new registrar can file an application to move a domain name.  

Your new registrar will file the transfer application (using the transfer code) with DNS Belgium. Now there are three possibilities: 

  1. Your old registrar approves the application within 5 calendar days. Your domain name is transferred to the new registrar. 
  2. Your old registrar does nothing within 5 calendar days. Your application is automatically approved and your domain name transferred to the new registrar.
  3. Your old registrar rejects the application. 

A .vlaanderen or .brussels domain name cannot be moved within the first 60 calendar days: 

  • of the first registration
  • after a transfer to another registrant
  • after a move to another registrar