When you have chosen and registered a domain name, you do not have a website or personalised e-mail address yet. For that you will have to go to a hosting partner, who will host your domain name. For your website to appear online, it must be stored on a server or computer which is connected to the internet. A hosting provider leases space on its servers so that you can place your website and at the same time have it appear on the network.
Different possibilities:
- Website builder package: many hosting companies offer a website builder package, such as SiteBuilder. By clicking and dragging you can easily make a website using the provided building modules.
- Content Management Systems: you choose the background and layout for your website from one of the existing themes, add add-on modules for certain functions such as sending a newsletter, and your site is ready. Input forms allow you to add new content easily which is then published immediately.
- One of the most commonly used CMS for simple websites is Wordpress.com. It allows you to create a free website and link your domain name to this address.
- CMS-hosting: your hosting provider installs, against payment, a CMS on the server space you rent and is prepared for you. This is used for more complex websites, which need more computing power, one or several databases, etc.
Commonly used CMS-hosting:
- Wordpress: hosted Wordpress gives total freedom of action and the possibility to put advertising on your website
- Drupal and Joomla: these CMS are used by organisations that work with different user types.
- Magento: nice and easy launch of your webstore with this ready-made e-commerce system.
- Tailor-made website: if you have specific needs, work with a web developer or web agency. They will make a CMS for you, adapted to your requirements, or build your own website.
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